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DIY Uncrossing Spiritual Bath Tea and How to Reverse Crossed Conditions!

DIY Uncrossing Bath Tea to Remove and Reverse Curses and Crossed Conditions!

I have been Inundated with Requests not only for Cursework, but a lot of you are interested in How to BREAK and REVERSE Cursework! 

Many of us are plagued by low energy, ‘bad luck’, sleeplessness, anxiety, and a myriad of other physical complaints that leave us feeling sapped and drained of energy so much that we feel unable to ‘get motivated’ or to ‘get the energy to’... These are all symptoms of crossed conditions. The idea of crossed conditions, negative auras, and curses are seen amongst many cultures, and each have their own ways of treating them.

Spiritual baths are common and can be very powerful workings to help strip you of negative attachments, energies, and remove and repel ‘evil eye’. A spiritual bath generally consists of water, herbs, salt, oil or acid.

Let’s discuss these pieces individually, then we’ll look into a Step by Step of how You can Brew your Own Uncrossing Tea for your Spiritual Bath!


You’re looking for the cleanest water you can find. Collect rainwater or Water from your tap works great! If you’re interested in purchasing a ‘cleaner water’ consider buying from your local grocer or CoOp. They’re often less than $1 a gallon. Moonwater can be used in this recipe, however it will likely take some forethought and preparation to set out enough jugs of water to complete a longer ritual bath series. Consider using the large glass carboys that apple juice is often sold in, or save up milk jugs (wash them of course!) to gather water for imbuing with moonlight. 

Collecting Rain Water


General Cleansing:

CHAMOMILE FLOWERS Calm and Gently Cleanse both the skin and the aura. This is a good additive for those with anxiety and tendencies towards negative self talk.

LEMON is a potent Acid Cleanser. One only has to consider the menagerie of household cleaning products that feature lemon to see its potential. It is a tough degreaser, and as such works well to help cleanse the aura and remove attachments. This is a great addition if you are struggling to ‘let go’ of someone or something. If you’re engaged in shadow work right now and working on releasing traumas, consider using Lemon in your work.  Do not use the oil directly on the skin or consume as it causes a variety of internal and external effects, including photo-sensitivity and skin irritation. I recommend using the juice from a fresh lemon, however whatever you have will work so long as you INTEND it to!

EUCALYPTUS Whoo girl, if you don’t already know how POWERFULLY CLEANSING Eucalyptus is, you’re in for a wild ride. This stuff is used in a wide variety of cough and cold formulas for its ability to open and clear stuffy passages. Its scent is invigorating and has universal cleansing abilities. Use the oil in small amounts as it quickly overpowers other scents!

SEA SALT Are you surprised? Probably not ! :P Salt is like Air in magick. It represents the grounding of the Earth and invokes the Earth energies into work, bringing our results from the realm of possibility into the realm of reality. This powerful mineral is required for proper brain and heart function, and is literally part of what keeps our electricity/energy flowing through our bodies. Use this to break hexes or suspected curses. Salt is just as much human as it is earth, and so helps us to create that connection  between body and spirit, human and earth.

LEMON “Bee” BALM This bright and sunny plant is an age old healer. The name Lemon Balm comes from it's potent Lemony Scent. It works great as an auric cleanser and an all purpose energy healer. 

Lemon Balm; Melissa Officinalis


Its official name, Melissa Officinalis, harkens from the age old Greek Tale of Zeus. While we think of Zeus most often as ‘King of the Gods’ in Greece, we don’t often think of how he came to be. Zeus’ Birth was just as legendary.

 Zeus was the last of 6 children. The other 5 were EATEN by Cronos, Zeus’ Father, as soon as they were born because this tyrannical freakshow was told that his children would overtake him. His lady at the time, Rhea, couldn’t bear to see another child eaten, so she swapped out little Zeus for a magical stone wrapped up in swaddling. Cronos’ dumbass ate the rock and forgot about the baby. Baby Zeus was, according to one foretelling, taken to the mountains and hidden in a cave, where he was cared for by a Nymph named Melissa. She was not alone in her work as it is hard to feed the hunger of a tiny god… so she enlisted the help of other nymphs. She fed him Milk from her Sister, a Goat named Amaltheia and Honey she and the other nymphs made the first honey themselves from collecting hillside flowers. They cared for him for a long time without being disturbed… but When Cronos found out that he had been duped, he became so angry that he changed Melissa and ALL the nymphs into legless, wingless worms, stripping them of their powers of flight and their ability to collect flowers to feed the young Zeus. Powerful, but still immature and not yet as powerful as the magick that had changed Melissa and the nymphs, Zeus took pity on his nurse and changed her and her kin into the Bee, so that they may again fly and collect the nectar that would bring strength to the Gods that would come to avenge the heartless deaths and overtake Cronos in the end. Today, we so often see bees appear on what we know as ‘Melissa Officinalis’, that we call it ‘Bee Balm’.

Prosperity, Reverse Bad Luck, Create New Opportunities

MINT This is a great addition to address any issues with luck or prosperity. If you’re searching for a new job, consider adding mint as it helps to not only refresh your aura, but to promote new opportunities.

Remove Romantic Ties, Heal the Heart, Release Grief

ROSE PETALS These work to help remove any energetic ties that are causing you problems in your love life. If you are working to unbind yourself from another person, or a negative situation, rose petals can help. Keep in mind that there are often discount roses to be found in the floral section of most major grocery stores. This can take the price of roses down considerably, AND help put them to good use and not just go to the trash! The color of rose is up to you, however white or red are typically used, with white representing purification and red representing that romance.

Exorcism, Entity Removal, Trauma Release

HYSSOP is a biblical herb. It is mentioned many times in the bible for use in spiritual cleansing and purification. It is ubiquitous in hoodoo cleansings and also is said to have the ability to remove one's guilt. If you are struggling to ‘let go’ of a partner or a situation, hyssop can help. Hex breaking, Aura Cleansing, Curse Removal… this herb has it all. This is another vibrantly potent herb, so use its oil with respect, as it too can overpower!... (Isn’t that what we’re looking for?! :) )

Hyssop; Hyssopus Officinalis

ROSEMARY is an herb of exorcism. If you feel that you have a negative entity attached to you, or that has been interacting/attacking you, consider the use of rosemary. This herb has long been an ingredient in incense, and crushing it, fresh or dried, produces a potent evergreen type smell that both refreshes and strips away bad energy like there's no tomorrow. Another great all purpose additive.

VINEGAR If you feel like you’ve tried everything and you’re STILL experiencing negativity and crossed conditions from attachments, try vinegar. This stuff cleans up what nothing else will touch. Some practitioners prefer black vinegar, or white, or cider. The use is up to you. Just consider if you have any open wounds that might be touched by this if you use it in high concentrations because it can sting!

Curse, Hex, Evil Eye and Witchcraft Reversal and Removal

PATCHOULI LEAF OR OIL can break curses and hexes. Patchouli is a very potent work enhancer. It is an excellent all purpose additive because it helps raise the energies that surround it, giving a boost to your work. Patchouli can be both expensive and overpowering, so use it with moderation. 

RUE is in some circles THE herb to rid one of a curse, hex, evil eye, or crossed condition. This herb historically was gathered by the clump and used in asperging rituals, which involved hitting one's skin with the herb and a sacred mixture, effectively ‘beating out’ the bad spirits. Today, ladies who are pregnant should not use this in any form, and no one should drink internally without advice from a doctor or trained herbalist. Rue is a potent abortifacient, and can cause miscarriage. Better safe than sorry!

Rue; Ruta Graveolens

WHITE OAK BARK While known for its abilities to remove curses, I do not recommend removing bark from trees ever. It is hard to live in this world for all of us right now so let’s not be skinning trees too! Fallen bark on the ground is fair game, and if you happen to be in an area where you find a stand of these magnificent trees, you’ll be gifted with certainty!

COFFEE can be added to remove curses and magick as well. Brew a cup or mix a handful of coarse grinds into your Uncrossing tea to help absorb those negative energies when they are pulled from you!

*Note: I also put a shot of whisky into my bath tea to honor and feed my ancestors and spirit guides. This is optional, but I wanted to mention it.

There are an innumerable amount of herbs and plants that can be used to reverse crossed conditions. Use what works best for your situation and is easily available!

So, take note of what you have and what you’ll want or need and prepare. I’m going to lay out the process for making our Spiritual Uncrossing Bath Tea. 

Ready? Let’s Do the D*mn Thing!


  1. Find a Soup Pot and Fill it ¾ full of Water. 

  2. Bring the Water to a Boil. Visualize the water being imbued with that passionate energy from the heat. Gather the ingredients you’ve chosen to use in your tea.

  3. Place your hands over the water and consecrate it by saying “Water that boils, Turn all my toils, reverse them back into the Sun”. 

  4. We add herbal ingredients first. We’re going to Consecrate our Herbs. Take the First of your ingredients into your hands. Look at it, smell it. Talk to it and ask it to remove all the conditions that negatively impact your life (or the specific thing you’re trying to fix). Thank it for its assistance and put it into the water. Do the same for each of the herbs.

  5. Boil the mix for 11 minutes until you have a pot of herbal tea. 

  6. While you wait for the herbs to boil, consider how you will best complete this cleansing ritual. Do you have any physical concerns that might limit your ability and comfort to lift an entire pot full of water over your head while standing? If not, Great! Move on to the next step!  But If so, you’re not alone and you must honor yourSelf by now finding a cup or jar that fits comfortably into the pan and into your hand. Consecrate the Item by saying “You will hold the waters that cleanse my spirit” You’re looking for a ‘scoop’ here, so that you can collect water from the pan and pour it over you. You’re going to want to be able to get at least 9 scoops from your pot, so choose wisely.

  7. Collect 2 white candles and anything you will need for a bath, like a towel, your robe, whathaveyou.

  8. After 11 minutes, turn off the stove. The following is a matter of preference. If you wish to keep the herbs in the mixture, you can. Or, if you’d prefer something less clogging to your pipes, Strain the Herbs from the Uncrossing Tea.

  9. Now is the time to Add the Salt and any other Ingredients, Such as Oils or Fruit Juices. These are to be consecrated in the same way as the herbs, although you don’t have to put the oils or juices onto your hands. Many situation fixed oils come in very small bottles and are costly due to the intense nature of their ingredients and craft. You’re certainly welcome to pour oils on your hands, but putting your hands over the bottle first to consecrate is great too!

  10. Allow this Mixture to Cool for 33 minutes or longer. You want the mix to be cool enough to be comfortable to pour over your head and onto your skin, so please don’t rush it. Burns are rarely great healing. Gather any additional items you need for your bath.

  11. Take an actual bath… one like usual to get your body clean. Soap, shampoo, the works. Spend time getting ALL your parts clean… so don’t neglect behind those ears, between those toes and in that belly button! 

  12. Drain the Bathtub and run the water to cleanse the tub.

  13. Place the entire pot (pot and all) of Uncrossing Tea in the tub 

  14. Once you’re finished with your ‘physical body’ bath, light two white candles (one on either side of your bathtub or shower). As you light these candles, set the intention that they open the door to your healing. These two candles represent a spiritual doorway and should be seen as such. You may anoint these candles with oil as well if you feel drawn to.

  15. Take in a deep breath, set your intention to cleanse your energy. Make your Way Into the tub again. For practitioners of differing abilities, performing this seated on a shower chair within the shower is FANTASTIC! Without a shower chair, I prefer to sit on the edge of my tub and pour the water over my head while I lean into the tub. This is because I have body abilities that limit my comfort when lifting heaving objects over my head. You are also most welcome to stand during this process and pour the entire pot over your head at once, or to take it in parts. This cleansing process is about YOU, YOUR HEALING, YOUR RESTORATION of YOUR Body… this is not ‘on the next episode of SheHulk’.. Ok? Whatever you can do is perfect. I enjoy doing 10 scoops over my head and the last one, I pour the pot  over my head and my entire body. This is up to you.) I DO NOT recommend however, sitting in the bathtub itself while you do this because you are just marinating in your negative energy stew. You MUST let the tea flow TO you and then AWAY from you!

  16. Take the mixture and pour it over your head. Say any prayer that you like or that you feel best suits your problem. Invoke any deity that you feel close to. You may write this prayer beforehand if you like. I use the following “Elixir of Life- Renew My Energy- End All Strife”. I use this because it is quick, exactly what I am asking for, and easy to remember. You’re not looking to be trying to have to remember a long chant or prayer during this because your FOCUS needs to be on visualizing your cleansing. The prayer is a way to help you focus.

  17. If you’re using a cup, you will say this prayer (or think it) after every cup is poured over your head. You are looking for a divine number of times. So Use a number that you deeply connect with, or follow the rule of 3 and do this 9 times. (11 minutes, 33 minutes, 9 washes: 1(*3) =3(*3)= 9)

  18. Once you’re done,another matter of preference. Those with particularly sensitive skin and those that left the herbs in the pot may now choose a cleansing final rinse in the shower. If you do, be sure to visualize any negativity left flowing down the drain. Those who would prefer to work more traditionally and who do not have skin concerns may choose to leave the Uncrossing Tea on overnight to allow its cleansing properties to remain on the body and more thoroughly work. If you will be doing this ritual bathing over a set number of days (some do 3, 9, or 12… I prefer once a week), rinsing off is not too much of an issue. If you are only planning on doing this once or once a week, I would suggest leaving the herbs and mix on the skin overnight if it’s safe for you.

  19.  At this point you can respectfully put out the candles until the next bath. If it’s the last day then let them burn to the end if possible. You can move them if you need to after the ritual so they can burn without being a fire hazard, but as a disclaimer, don’t ever leave them unattended!

Great! This bath tea is easy to create and works well to remove anything that is blocking your roads to happiness, health, prosperity, and personal peace. 

Thank you for Reading, 

Let me know if you have any comments or questions. I’m happy to discuss so we can all learn and benefit from this beautifully spiritual ritual bathing practice!

I Offer Assistance in Uncrossings, Hex Removal and Increasing Prosperity.

My Hexbreaker which removes general curses and crossed conditions can be Found here Hellcat Hexbreaker

My Roadopener, which works to promote your prosperity and help you to remove any blocks to your success is available here: Road Opener

i do offer custom work for enhanced or generational curse removal, please contact me for more information!


Sywyrd Moon