10 Tips for Messy Witches! How to Set Up an Altar even in Hoarder Situations!
Space Cleansing is Self Care
For some of you, this may seem like a ‘duh’ post, but for many of us who struggle with organization, especially if you have children in the home, it can seem more like a chore!
I want you to imagine your ‘ideal home’.
Go ahead, get creative with it.
What do you see?
Plants? Lighting? Furniture?
Picture it however best suits YOU!
Now, with that image in your mind, I want you to ‘Look’ around the home you’ve imagined.
Is it cluttered?
Is it dusty?
Is there a stack of pop cans pleasantly displayed?
For most of us, probably not.
This is why space cleansing is self care. If your mind imagines a clean space as being more comfortable than the one you’re currently in, it’s time to step your game up! Doing so will increase your comfort level and help boost your manifestations in any work you do!
Now, how to approach it is an issue. So, let me tell you a story.
I grew up in a hoarder home.
That’s right.
I grew up in a home just like you’ve seen on TV.
As a child of hoarding, there is a lack of control so present that it literally invades your space. I worked hard to keep my room clean, always aware of the ever present mounds of trash just outside my doorway. I spent much of my childhood feeling lonely and ashamed, in my room. The one space I did have control over. I never had friends over to my home as a child, and when people would occasionally ask, I had to lie about it. I went to school smelling like dogs and stale cigarettes. The shame of the home was so deep that for years even being outside of the house, I still lied about it, because that was easier than facing the shame.
Let me tell you that I GET IT when people say they ‘just can’t’ when it comes to cleaning. Thankfully my adult experience has been better, and I have not developed a hoarding habit like my parent. I’m deeply aware of it though, and I recognize that for some people, space cleansing means a lot more than just tidying up.
Many of us, particularly younger witches, also have very little control over their living situations. Even though your house is ‘clean’, perhaps you have children that run amuck the house, or are in a shared living situation or are a ‘child’ yourself and only have a bedroom. No matter your situation, you CAN set up a sacred space.
As I looked around for tips for this, I came up empty handed. I’m not sure how many people who identify as witches also identify with any of these situations, or how many struggle with organization… but what I found was very little and in my opinion, very lacking.
To address this problem, I’ve come up with some ideas that ANYONE in ANY situation can use.
So, with no further ado, I give you, “Ten Tips For Messy Witches”
1: Drop the Shame. It literally is no ones business how your space came to be so cluttered. It doesn’t matter if you did it or someone else. DOES NOT MATTER. Yes, it is cluttered or dirty, but that doesn’t make YOU dirty. OK? Just recognize that there is a problem and that you want to do something about it. That simple desire is enough to blow any shame you may have out of the water. It’s okay to be where you are so long as you are trying to make it better. Don’t let anyone knock you down, if they’re trying to, they’re living a different experience than you and they don’t understand.
It would only be a shame if you weren’t trying. You deserve a healthy and happy space!
2: Define Your Dream. For many beginning witches, setting up a space to practice is one of the first steps taken on their paths of witchery. This space is often referred to as an Altar, and its placement is one of personal preference. Traditionally the altar is placed in the North, as the Northern element represents Intelligence, Wisdom, and Higher Purpose. Many choose to put their altars in other locations though, depending on what energies they are working with, or where makes most sense in their space. Think and visualize where your work space will be. Do you have children that will be in your space? Do you have pets that might interfere? Are you trying to keep your space a secret? All things in consideration. Take your time to plan.
3: Decide what to Tackle. If your situation is largely based in one room, say you have a messy bedroom, then pick the corner that you most want to access first. If your situation is larger and encompasses an entire home, pick the one room that you want access to, and then pick a corner of that room. While you are looking around deciding what to start with, also look for items you’ll want to use in your work space. Maybe a table or a cup or something… just be aware. It’s important that you take the time to actually look around and plan. This may take some time for people with larger situations, so don’t feel bad if you take multiple days to decide. Again, NO SHAME IF YOU'RE TRYING. Look for spaces that are going to be away from curtains, wallpaper or other flammable objects. Keep in mind that if you have pets, especially cats, they will flock to the area that you have cleaned and are likely to be up on your altar space because they are drawn to the energy. Just be aware!
4: Gather your Supplies. If you are in a situation where there are unsanitary items, honor yourself by wearing a mask and gloves. You do not deserve to experience harm while trying to clean and you deserve a healthy body. A roll of trashbags and gloves and a mask can tackle many things. If you’re unsure, consider contacting a company for help if you feel unsafe. It’s OK and they’ve seen it all before! If you are reading this and thinking ‘omg if i had to use all that to clean my house…” this is a shame free zone. While I’m thankful that you’re not living that experience, I really am, please see your way out and hopefully find some compassion along the way. :) We’re here to give love and honor everyone who is trying to improve their lives.
Consider using heavier cleaners if your space is particularly neglected, and switching to more natural cleaners like vinegar and thieves oil after your space is reclaimed!
5: Start! Bit by bit, just pick up everything you see that is trash. All of it, one by one, trash, trash, trash. You can turn on some music, I really enjoy rhythmic drumming, and just have at it. Things that you see that aren’t trash? Don’t bother them yet. Don’t touch them, Don’t pile them. Just pick up the trash. Not sure if it’s trash? Don’t touch it yet.
Be Thankful For Each Thing that Goes Away… You’re Making Space For Your New Life!
6: Keep Going! Once the trash is gone, look at the stuff. Begin to make a mental list of what things go in which rooms, and move items out of the room and into the ones that they belong in. Anything you’re not sure about needs to be moved out of the area and reconsidered. If it’s trash, throw it away, if it’s not, it goes in another room or storage. If you’re in a large hoarding situation, this may mean putting things on existing piles, so be careful as items can shift and people have gotten hurt and trapped before! For most of us, hopefully this will be as easy as putting dishes in the sink and dirty laundry in the hamper.
The Less Clutter, the More Mindful You can Be.
7: Take a Break! Evaluate your progress. How is the room looking, do you think you could finish clearing the entire room/house itself? If you can, you REALLY SHOULD! This may take some days and multiple attacks, but you will function best in an entirely clean space, and so if you can, do it! Wherever you are at in this process, you are doing WONDERFULLY, and you should take Pride in every move you make! If you don’t feel like you can clean the entire room, that’s okay too. You have made an excellent effort and deserve a rest. Be sure to go spend time in the space that you have cleared off, and see how it feels compared to the rest of the areas of concern. You’ll likely notice that you DO feel more peaceful, and that should come as a reason for you to keep trying!!!
8: Pull Together Your Items. If the items you plan on using in the space are in need of cleaning or to be moved from another area, do so now. Spend time to make sure these items are clean and ready to be placed. Collect them in a space to wait for now.
Rocks, Sticks, “Lucky” items, Candles, Wands, Cards.. Anything You Want on Your Altar!
However little or much!
9:”Deep clean” the area. No matter if it’s your entire home or a small space you’ve just been able to clear, it’s time to really ‘clean’ the area. Use a cleaner that is appropriate for whatever situations you may have. Think “Sparkling clean” as you work. Get into cracks and crevices, wash walls, wipe down chair arms, vacuum the floor and furniture… whatever you can use, clean! Clean until the entire home, room, or area is as clean as you can possibly get it! If you use smudge, this is a good time to cleanse the area itself before you bring in the furniture. Get down into the corners and low to the floor as negativity collects there. If you see your smoke dropping down from the stick, it’s a good sign you need to smudge lower.
The old Adage “Smoke Follows Beauty'“ does not apply to smudging!
10: Set Up Your Space! Move around any furniture you planned for the space. Give the table or area you’re planning to use a through wipe down and ensure it is clean. Altars are sacred spaces, so spend time really getting that clean! I like to cleanse my altar tops with Florida Water and then rub Van Van oil into the wood, but much like placement, altar treatment is personal. Do what works best for you. Place the objects you chose earlier near the altar and one by one energetically cleanse and consecrate them. You can use smoke or a candle flame to do this, but I prefer to just use my hands. Place each blessed item onto the altar space and arrange them in a way that is most pleasing to you and that makes the most sense to you!
By this point, you are able to see a manifestation in action. You dreamt up and visualized a clear space for yourself, and put your physical and mental bodies together to make that happen. That is magick at work! Any space you create for yourself can be a sacred space, no matter the size or what may be happening around it. Spend time in your new space, and soak up its energies. Meditate, or simply spend time giving thanks.This cleaning was truly a sacred work, as you can see. Give yourself a pat on the back, You're Amazing!
No Shame and Infinite Blessings,
Sywyrd Moon