How Athena Got Her Owl- The Story of Nyctimene

How Athena Got Her Owl- The Story of Nyctimene

A Modern Retelling



Pagans around the world recognize Athena, Greek goddess of Wisdom, and her counterpart Minerva, (the Roman Version of her).

No matter who you ask, these goddesses are almost always associated with the Owl. 

The owl is an age old symbol of wisdom, and so is rightly associated with Athena. 

But HOW did the Owl find its place with her? 

The story is darker than you might think.


In times long ago, on the Island of Lesbos, in the Great Aegean Sea,

 there was a king.

A King so mighty, he was called “Epopeus”, which means “All Seer”.

He was a great follower of Athene, erecting a Sanctuary in her honor, from which they say Athena caused olive oil to flow from the shrine.

This King had a beautiful daughter he called Nyctimene.  

Day and night he lusted after her beauty.

Day and night she denied and thwarted his advances.

Until the day came that finally he forced himself upon her.


In her great shame, 

she fled.

Out of the palace.

Into the Woods.

Away from all the riches in the world.

She fled.

Nyctimene hid in the woods. Her heart heavy with shame and regret, until one day, walking through the woods, the Goddess Athena saw her, dirty, ragged, crying, alone. 

She asked Nyctimene what had happened and after hearing the account, 

Athena took pity on Nyctimene and turned her into an Owl, so that she might comfortably remain in the forest and hide in the night.

Later, in Metamorphoses, 

Ovid made note to tell us that

 Cornix the Crow, 

Athena’s FIRST patron bird,

Was heard complaining that

 ‘the Owl was taking his place with Athena

because Nyctimene was too scared to show her face.’

ReTold by: Sywyrd Moon

Art By Tammy Moon (Unrelated!) Can be Found here: Amazing Harpy Goddess Tammy Moon

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