Cord Cutting: Beginner's Exercise

Cutting the Cord: Beginners Exercise

What is cord cutting and how you can do it TODAY.

Cords are energetic attachments we have. You know how you feel a certain way about a certain person, you can almost feel the energy when they get near? That’s part of cords. Or have you ever had a friend so close (particularly as children) that you could almost take the words right out of their mouth? Have a ‘sense’ about things and know when someone needs help or a phone call?

Those are all examples of particularly strong cords. We all create bonds with the people and things around us. Animals and environments, thoughts and emotions… they all can be affected by cords. In this exercise, I share with you a beginners method for a whole body cord clearing. 

This is a great exercise for people who haven't worked with cord cutting before or have yet to experience its benefits. 

For the exercise itself you won’t need any special tools or equipment besides a place to be comfortable and not disturbed for a while. (I know, for some of us, this is at a premium!) So let’s Cut to the Chase!

Cord Cutting Exercise:

Get Comfortable- Lying, Sitting, Reclining… however your body works. Get comfy.

Imagine a warm, radiant light. You can start by imagining a space heater or a cozy fire

.Try to FEEL  that sensation of warmth on your skin.

Imagine the light growing bigger, and bigger, so that it fully covers you in a warm embrace.

Imagine this light flooding into your tissues, and imagine it sinking through your skin and through your flesh to rest and radiate warmth and light inside your bones.

Take time to imagine this, you will feel warmth throughout your body, and tingling sensations. This is energy, this is life, this is prana. This is your universal connection to nature and to life itself.

 FEEL this warmth deep in your bones… and when you do, imagine now EXPANDING It… letting the light fill each dark crevice of your body, and watching it flood out into a sea of light that surrounds you. The light around you is just as bright as the light within you now, you are One. 

When you are ready, simply voice or mind the intention:

 “The light that Surrounds me Brings Me to My Divinity. I am Light. I am Whole. I am One. Any and All Cords, Connections, Contracts or Attachments that do not Serve me are now Released and Dissolved and Returned to the Earth.”

Stay present with your body, listen to anything it is telling you. No need to interpret right now. Just observe.

When you feel warm and comfortable and light… place your hands over your heart and say ‘thank you’, as you have done yourself and the rest of those around you a good deed.

You may voice this specific intention, or another like it. Remember, being elaborate is not the idea, having a firm and loving intention to correct and release and balance your energy is. Deciding that here, now, today, you remove and revoke all bonds from that which is not for your Highest Good. The Strength of your Intent is paramount to your success! 

In fact, you can do this without words at all. But! You MUST still be clear on what your intention is. The most accurate way we have of testifying is often by mouth, and by putting your voice and your body and your hearing all together when you ‘voice an intention’. You are creating more connections to manifestation. Speak it if you will but don’t doubt it’s power if you are silent! 

You will find that soon after making this intention clear, you will begin to experience changes in your body. Some people (me) often have spinal movements and releases. Depending on where cords are, you may experience tingling or pleasure, or a cease of chronic pain in an area.

If you do this work and begin to experience pain in an area, focus on that area in your mind and simply ask “Where is this pain coming from?” Often you will receive an image, or begin thinking about a person or a situation. If you can tell who or what the cord is from, you can address it directly by name… or if you are still unsure, you can simply decide that you want to send love to that cord to heal it, or imagine it being cut entirely and capped off! Your practice is up to you!

This very basic practice can be used daily for energy upkeep or weekly as a part of routine spiritual cleansing. You may find that with continued practice, you not only become lighter and in control of your surroundings, but also your relationships improve, and your clarity along with them.