The Harsh Realities of A Disrupted Root

I'm working on it myself right now as a matter of fact...

The Root Chakra.

That's Why I Thought of Making a Series. 

I come from not such a caring background myself and have only recently recognized the amount of energy loss I'm having due to blocks in my Root!

 I was primarily a "black caster" in my youth... for a long time I thought that the issue was either in my magickal practice or in everyone else.

Over the years however... I realized that a lot of it turned out to be both me and the ways I let others treat me.

My Childhood Played a huge part. 

 I was so angry initially that that I took it out on myself in alcohol, drugs and that then bled into codependent and abusive relationships. 

 By the end of it, I did crazy shit for no reason.. it got to the point where I drove my car right over a bridge and through a tree... and climbed out with my engine in the front seat of my Buick, middle finger shattered, lip bleeding, asking the person running up to me in horror if they had a cigarette.

Because for that incarnation of myself,  ensuring death was the only way to celebrate having avoided it.

I've Evolved. 

I Love and Cherish and Treasure That Which WAS Me, and Step Firmly Upwards...

That's what Apotheosis is... It's about Finding your Own Personal Divinity.

 When we are survivors of trauma, we disconnect from our physical bodies to preserve the remaining energies of the auric body. Some of us disconnect so hard that we subconsciously begin to want to truly disconnect from our physical bodies. This causes us to engaged in behaviors that are unhealthy for our bodies, and to live in chronic states of mental  'want for' instead of 'needs met'. When we live detached from our physical bodies, we neglect them. 

If you've been ^ gal, "Crazy", or have experienced struggles with addiction (of ALL types!), your Root Chakra is struggling for Balance. And When you Being This Work... If You Enter with An open Heart... You'll Find It's Terrifying and Rewarding Work. 

Brightest Lights Shine in the Ugliest of Healing. Come Shine With Me.

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