Fake Spellcaster #2

Target: Mr. Salem Ba

Website: https://mr-salemba.com

I received a form submission through the website regarding this fellow. The form submission states that he's out trying to “threaten people and scam them out of their money.” Paraphrased to protect the informant's identity, it says that this spellcaster was harassing her and then decided to threaten her and threatened her life. The submission also added that this caster is South African but has a Canadian What’sApp number. 

The report of the abuse and threat was enough to start an investigation. (Red Flag #1)  So, without even speaking to this ‘caster’, I started some research on him. If you go to Mr. Salem Ba’s website, you'll see the photo posted here for reference.( I don't recommend anybody goes to this website.) 

The picture below is supposedly of his work, however when put through Tin Eye,  you'll see that this photo has multiple different Source links, dating from well before this website was created. Therefore, due to the number of different places associated with this image, and all of them being other scammy looking postings... it's highly unlikely that this worker is genuinely the source of this image.

 (Red flag #2).

salem ba.jpg


Now, the photo of the ‘caster’ may be genuinely of this person. When run through Tin Eye, we have 0 results, suggesting that this is a unique image. https://tineye.com/search/99b305e25175e7a1ebd397f732f3018f638a5912?page=1

The rest of the photos on the website are obviously pulled from the web, common and not necessarily an issue of concern.

The page itself has some definite concerns.

Note the Incorrect Capitalization and lack of punctuation of the name on the Page Tab. That’s concerning because this is literally one of the first things the viewer sees… and a blatant oversight. This tells me that perhaps this website wasn’t put together with a lot of intention. You see a number of misspellings and incorrect usage if you click through the pages. I can understand if you’re not a native speaker, but ‘black’ magick is written all over the website, so this typo of ‘back magic’ suggests it’s an oversight due to lack of attention, not a lack of spelling ability.

Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 3.27.05 PM.png

All of these grammatical errors constitute a Red Flag to me, as it suggests a lack of attention to detail. If he’s not going to pay attention to what’s written on his own website, what is he doing for the quality of YOUR work? (Red Flag #3)

The bottom of their ‘Contact Us’ page has a number of red flags itself.

Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 3.16.16 PM.png

Let’s Begin with that “Assured Solution”... that’s a 100% guarantee. They 100% guarantee they can fix your issue. Any issue. Now he doesn’t know what it is… but they can fix it. 100% works guarantee but No Refund Policy? (Red Flag #4). 

Satisfied Clients… This looks great however it’s not a clickable link. They’ve “helped 100’s of people” and say that they were all satisfied… but aren’t showing any verifiable reviews to prove it. Very easy to say you’re successful, much harder to PROVE it. (Red Flag #5)

An ‘auto message’ feature pops up on the website, and it is only for What’sApp. You have to click to another page to find the email address. Putting this as the first thing that pops up when you visit the site means that they want that information, and by only giving What’s App as an option, they’re trying to specifically get THAT info. This is a red flag, because scammers use Whatsapp to try to get your information and to force you to send them money. Here is an article from the Better Business Bureau explaining how these scams work and how you can protect yourself. BBB WhatsApp Scams (Red Flag #6)

Now with all of that being where it is, and with me having emailed Mr. Salem Ba and waiting on a response to my general questions… I decided to see if he had a storefront since he provided an address.

Here’s the Kicker… The “location” for Mr. Salem Ba is 1749 Jane Street in Toronto. 

I’ll provide that google for you here….

Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 3.28.48 PM.png

Yes, that’s right. Mr. Salem Ba’s address is the Ontario Probation and Parole Office.

(Red Flag #7)

Well… that just about sums it up.

7 red flags without speaking a word to him...I have no doubt at this point that this fella is a fake. He only has WhatsApp, no reviews, 100% guarantees, frequent oversights, and the address that he gives to represent himself is the Probation and Parole in Ontario. I’d call that a cinch. 

If this isn’t enough for you to decide, or if you’re hungering for more… Stay Tuned To See What the Full Investigation Unfolds!!! I’ve emailed him and am awaiting his response…

Sywyrd Moon1 Comment