In Defense of Love Magicks and How Attraction Work Can Change Your Life
One of the key concepts practitioners of most paths will find is that there is an element of mental application to spellwork. We use our minds and concentrate our thoughts, emotions, imaginations, energies onto a specific point, usually an outcome that we want, and then we let the work do the work, so to speak. Our minds play a pivotal role in the effectiveness of our spellwork.
As a professional spellcaster, One of the biggest hurdles I find people have with casting love spells is Ego.
Yep...I said it.
I think that there are a lot of people who are trying to do love magick that 'backfires' because they're targeting the wrong people to begin with. They're picking people that aren't good for them at all for any number of reasons.
As a matter of fact, I think very little of that 'backfire' Love magick is so notorious for is actually the fault of the magick. I think it's largely the practitioner's ego.
Now now, hear me out. I'm not saying anyone is a lesser practitioner or anything, but what I'm saying is that maybe you are meant for a bigger and better and nicer and more loving more perfectly fit for you person??? And you don't know it??? So often we get ideas in our heads and we want what we want!
"Oh you're, not gonna divorce me! I'll MAKE you love me!"
And for some of us, well, We'll do ANYTHING to get it back and not have to change...
Flat out, this is one of the biggest reasons why so many say that love magick is dangerous and often encourage people to avoid it. You can do the work... and boy howdy, it really CAN work... but who's to say that this person is actually FOR you? THIS is a question that I think many people avoid asking themselves, and it is one that could perhaps prevent a number of so called 'backfires'.
Over the last few years I've assisted a number of people who wanted to bind themselves to their lovers... and then came to tell me about their partners abusive or narcissistic ways, their infidelity or lies...
NOT healthy for my clients, NOT healthy for the people being bound together, NO ONE is Happy...NOT what Universe wants you to do... Universe strives for balance, and so we should too.
If love magick isn't inherently bad, then how can we work with it in a safer way?
By eliminating the variable!
You may not know if this partner is for you or not... but you DO know 2 things.
1: you deserve love
2: you're not getting the love you deserve right now
... so focus on giving that love to yourself.
Attraction magick is one approach that is surprisingly underutilized, and I believe it is in part due to its umbrella term 'love magicks' being so warned against. Attraction magick is designed to help make you, the 'target' of the spell, more attractive to others and more open to attracting the relationships you are actually MEANT for. While the ingredients and methods vary, remember, they're just tools for YOUR manifestations.
By focusing on you, improving your vibe and focusing your energies on your Self, paying that love and attention into your Self, you can enhance your attractiveness to your Self and others and simultaneously remove any concerns of 'force' or going against 'free will'. You are making a pact with the Universe that you are Aware, Open, and Ready to Receive the Love, Connection and Devotion that you truly deserve.
If You are brave enough to step away from the people and things that harm you, to turn your face into the Sun, you may soon walk boldly into your new life. One of love, peace, compassion, and abundance.
If this is what you want, then you have the power... and Attraction magick encourages you to take hold of that power, to direct and use it as a tool for YOUR happiness, for YOUR health, and YOUR healing.